Delivery & Returns
Do you ship internationally?
Currently, we only deliver to addresses in the UK.
How much will delivery cost?
We provide a delivery cost calculator in the checkout area of our site, and the is the best tool to calculate the cost of your delivery.
How long will delivery take?
Goods will be dispatched within 48hrs from notification of your order being accepted by our team. Delivery is carried out by Royal Mail and takes 3-5 business days from dispatch so your order should be with you within 7 working days.
What if the packages I receive are damaged or leaking?
At the time of delivery, if there are clear signs of damage or leakage to/from the package, please ask the courier to return it to our depot.
Goods will always leave the distillery in perfect condition, but in the unlikely and unfortunate event that you discover your goods are damaged or leaking, please contact us immediately and detail as much of the issue as you can.
We also require the following evidence:
- Photographs showing the damage or fault. Including a photograph(s) showing the intact seal of the damaged/broken/spoiled bottle.
- The product and packaging in its entirety – please do not throw anything away.
What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, bank transfer are all forms of acceptable payment.
How secure are payments through the website?
The BSL Bottle Shop website uses the payment provider FIRST DATA to process payments. Both providers are certified to the most stringent security checks in the payment industry.
Will I need to show some form of identification?
You do not need to show any form of identification, but we may validate your name, address and other personal information that you supply during the order process against official databases held by third-parties, to ensure that you are over the age of 18 and that your payment card and/or account is not being used without your consent. By accepting our terms and conditions at checkout, you consent to these checks being made.
Identity checks may be disclosed to a Credit Reference Agency, who may keep a record of your personal information. This check is only preformed to confirm your identity. All information supplied by you is treated securely under the Data Protection Act 1998.
Will there be extra security checks?
We may contact you to verify your order details, your name, address, delivery address and possibly a record of your identity. We may implement these checks for your extra protection, but these only happen in extreme circumstances.
Cancellation & Returns
What if I want to cancel my order?
You can cancel your order by contacting us directly within 24 hours.
What if want to return the goods?
If you wish to return goods, you may do so by contacting us within 14 days of receiving the product. From contacting us about your return you have 14 days for the goods to be returned to us. Full refund including the delivery of the goods will be returned on the return of the goods in the same condition as they were dispatched.